Monday, March 10, 2008

Something's Rotten in the State of Pennsylvania

Don't take my word for it. Just ask Neils of the Pound Pup Legacy mega-adoption-website-blog. According to this crusading and data-driven site, Pennsylvania has a disproportionate number of adoption agencies compared to other states. Forget all that high-minded legalistic talk of "dealing in humanity," there's money to be made and many good Germans willing to look the other way.

According to Neils

With a total of 206 Pennsylvania has far more agencies than any other state. California, which is almost three times the size of Pennsylvania has 73 agencies less and Illinois which is very comparable in size to Pennsylvania has about half as many licensed agencies.

Don't miss Congressman Bart Stupak's revelation that even a plumber can run an adoption agency in Pennsylvania. And Neils's closing words:

If Pennsylvania thinks we will forget about the Masha Allen case and can return to business as usual, they are dead wrong. Masha Allen's case shocked the nation and will not be forgotten, We are here to make sure of that.

One can only hope that such sentiments, now expressed WORLDWIDE, will be as heartfelt here in the good 'ole U.S. of A. Word up.


  1. There is something terribly wrong with the Adoption Industry. From state to state the laws and enforcements differ greatly. I have always questioned why Penn. had SO many adoption agencies.
    Maybe the ball is rolling on the states enforcement of regulations. Colorado Department of Human Services announced that 3 Agencies had been closed. The other 26 International Agencies in Colorado are currently under review.
    If we can put more restrictions /regulations on International Adoption agencies and caps on fees we will take the huge profit away from these unethical agencies that prey on families.
    If all agencies were dealing with the same rules /regulations and fees it would take the profit or bribes that is associated with Adoption out of the equation. Maybe then we could have ethical adoptions.

  2. I can understand why the numbers look funky, but believe it may be a matter of differing state laws.
    While I can't speak with much knowledge on the laws of all the states, comparing California to Pennsylvania agency numbers may be like comparing apples and oranges. California is a state that permits the use of "adoption facilitators" and Pennsylvania law prohibits their practice. The only way to do adoptions in PA is to be an agency (or an adoption attorney). It is possible this requirement accounts for the number of agencies in Pennsylvania, and may bear closer examination.
    The comment about good Germans looking the other way is perpetuating a negative cultural stereotype. I understand the dislike of people making money off adoptions and agree, but think you should direct your unhappiness toward those sources, and not paint the state with such a broad and unkind brush.
