Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lawyers at the Center of the Penn State Rot

According to this post in the AmLawDaily blog, numerous lawyers—including a mysteriously disappeared district attorney—are at the center of the widening Penn State child molestation scandal:

Penn State Crying Lion

Curley and Schultz stepped down from their respective posts Monday, not long after news of the charges levied against them and Sandusky broke over the weekend. Sandusky himself retired in 1999, but remained active with The Second Mile children's charity, which he founded in Penn State's hometown of State College, Pennsylvania, in 1977. Prosecutors, led by Pennsylvania attorney general Linda Kelly, claim that Sandusky met the eight boys he is accused of sexually assaulting over a 15-year period via his association with the Second Mile charity.

In an added wrinkle, the 23-page grand jury report laying out the state's charges against the Penn State trio notes that the university's former outside general counsel, Wendell Courtney of State College-based McQuaide Blasko, served as an attorney for Second Mile. According to the grand jury report, Courtney reviewed a 1998 report prepared by Penn State police that detailed inappropriate interactions between Sandusky and an underage boy. The incident never led to any formal charges, and efforts to understand why are complicated by the fact the former local district attorney, Ray Gricar, went missing under mysterious circumstances in 2005, according to The New York Times.

McQuaide Blasko's Web site identifies Courtney as pro bono counsel to Second Mile. He did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday about his work for either the charity or Penn State. The university replaced Courtney and McQuaide Blasko as general counsel last year.

1 comment:

  1. I found (from an INCREDIBLY unlikely source) a well composed and well researched blog post that essentially outlines the link between homophobic organizations in which adults have "ultimate authority" over children and pedophilia. I think if more people understood the reality that pedophilia is incur able, dangerous, and facilitated by these organizations, more of them would come under scrutiny. Click here to read it for yourself .
