Thursday, November 11, 2010

Amazon Presents a Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure

There simply are not enough hours in the day to smack down all the pedo material on Wikiepdia, Facebook and now Amazon. For once the mainstream media scooped this blog by reporting on a recently listed self-published e-book entitled The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover's Code of Conduct by "I-am-not-a-pedophile" author Philip R. Greaves II.

There's lots to digest in this story which MSNBC has been following closely. I'm not sure where the story first originated, but needless to say it has spread quickly around the globe. According to this excellent story on MSNBC:

The book, The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover's Code of Conduct by Philip R. Greaves II, includes graphic "first person" descriptions of a child's sexual encounters with an adult, "presented as an adult's recollection of his youthful experience," as well as advice to pedophiles afraid of becoming the center of retaliation. The electronic book, which is not illustrated, was available for $4.79 from's Kindle e-reader.

Amazon had initially defended the sale of the book, issuing a public statement that said, "Amazon believes it is censorship not to sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable. Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions."

Speaking in a "TODAY" show segment about the "Pedophile's Guide" before it was removed from the site, Greaves said protesters "are free to think whatever they want to think about the book."

"Every time you see (pedophiles) on television, they are either murderers, rapists or kidnappers," he said as reason for writing and publishing the book. "And you know, that's just not an accurate presentation of that particular sexuality."

MSNBC has hit on something very significant with their bold reporting on this issue. Thanks to author Greaves'
shameless declaration, MSNBC has publicized what people working in the field have known for years if not decades: there is a growing unabashed pedophile political action movement which equates "that particular sexuality" with civil rights. From the Dutch pedophile party to convicted child molester James A. Freeman's advocacy group SOhopeful, pedophiles increasingly see themselves as a persecuted and misunderstood minority struggling for civil and legal rights.

According to MSNBC:

Greaves' self-published work contains six academically titled chapters in which the author attempts to add cultural context and express sympathy's for his intended audience's cultural plight.

Excerpts from "Our Gardens of Flesh" posted on Gawker reveal text equally graphic and disturbing as that of "Pedophile's Guide."

"Besides an extended defense of pedophilia, (the author) includes a long account of one adolescent boy's sexual encounter with an adult ice-cream man," writes Gawker's Max Read. "The whole book functions as a kind of manifesto, a theory of sexuality and a creepy declaration of principles."

If anyone has any doubts about the seriousness and extent of "the movement," a brief segue through Wikisposure should remove any doubts.

If the pedophile manifestos weren't bad enough, Amazon's naturist videos are now the latest rage, highlighted again through some great reporting by MSNBC (made even g r e a t e r from some prominent quotes from this tireless ChildLaw blogger!)

Enough of all this commentary. Check out the primary materials at the links below.


  1. "Amazon believes it is censorship not to sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable. Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions."
    This quote is as distressing as the article. We are unworthy of freedom when its primary expression is in "purchasing". Freedom is reduced to having the largest possible array of "choices". We are a sad, pathetic culture.

  2. I cannot understand why the U.S. Justice Department, including the FBI and all of the special task forces under it and with all of its legal resources, doesn't at least attempt or threaten to attempt to stop Wikiepedia, Facebook and Amazon from promoting and distributing child pornography.

  3. 12, 2010 at 8:57 AM

    I've never been one to censor books...but this really got my attention. These are our children. They have a right to live safe, happy lives. A guide? What? To teach them how to commit this crime correctly?
    I worked for twelve years as an attorney in juvenile court representing abused children. I saw case after case of sexual abuse on minors. I've seen what damage it can do, and how these children suffer. If anyone thinks this book should be available to the public they need to volunteer as a CASA worker and see what damage is done. (No pedophiles need apply!)

  4. "pedophiles increasingly see themselves as a persecuted and misunderstood minority struggling for civil and legal rights"
    Err.. Maybe because that is THE TRUTH, you ignorant bigot.
