Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Facebook Purges Pedo Pages

Facebook has begun to remove pages that refer to the North American Man/Boy Love Association following a exclusive report that revealed the nefarious pedophile advocacy group's presence on the popular social networking site.

Group pages that have been scrubbed from Facebook include:

  • The Greensburg group of the North American Man Boy Love Association, whose page featured a photo of a young child;

  • “N.A.M.B.L.A. (East Lansing Chapter), which had a photo of a child who appeared to be about 5 years old.

  • “NAMBLA” in the “Organizations-Advocacy Organizations” category, which featured a photo of a man being kissed on the cheek by a small child. Its description read: “We are the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Our sole purpose is to push forward the concept that a consenting man (18+) and a consenting minor (-18) can have a sexual and loving relationship legally. Feel free to send your questions comments or constructive criticism to [redacted e-mail address]. Thank you for your time and support and remember keep fighting the good fight!”

  • “N.A.M.B.L.A.,” which said it “advocates the legalization of sexual relations between adult male and under-aged boys" and that it has resolved to "end the oppression of men and boys who have freely chosen mutually consenting relationships," in spite of what it acknowledges is "the fact that such relationships are seen as child abuse where the minor is unable to give consent.”

Read more about this exclusive story at!

1 comment:

  1. maria zenaida robbinsNovember 1, 2010 at 1:19 AM

    so please make sure that Douglas Gregory Robbins (from Canada) and his partner Maria Tereska Lewiki do not have a page on Face Book!I tell you for sure both are child predators for human trafficking!I married him (fraud as I now know) so I know this couple well enough!
