Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kansas Passes State "Masha's Law"

Almost 5 years ago, the Marsh Law Firm was instrumental in enhancing the federal civil legal rights of children who are victims of child pornography. Borrowing from intellectual property law, our firm helped draft, introduce and pass—in just seven months—a comprehensive update to a long-forgotten federal law which gives victims the right to sue anyone who produces, distributes or possess their child sex abuse images. Masha’s Law provides statutory damages of $150,000 for each violation of federal child pornography provisions and was incorporated into the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act signed by President Bush on July 27, 2006.

In 2008, Florida passed a state version of Masha's Law. Now Kansas has joined the effort by passing a state law which is modeled on the federal law we helped write.

The bill provides a recovery for actual damages of at least $150,000. In order to bring a civil action against a producer, promoter, or intentional possessor of child pornography the plaintiff must prove that while he or she was under the age of 18, he or she was the victim of an offense that resulted in a conviction, that offense was used in the production of child pornography, and the victim suffered personal or psychological injury as a result.

Civil action may be pursued through private counsel or by the Attorney General at the victim’s request. The bill also creates a three year statute of limitations.


  1. I think this will be extremely important in the digital age. It's too bad that it has taken Kansas as long as it had to update the law but hopefully this will create more regulation for the production companies (that usually claim "not our fault" on issues like these).
