Thursday, December 15, 2011

400,666 US Girls Under Ten Are Forcibly Raped

A recently released report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals some sobering numbers: nearly 1 in 5 women have been raped in their lifetime. This statistic is widely known and almost universally accepted. But what do these numbers say about children?


According to the study, approximately 80% of female victims experienced their first rape before the age of 25 and almost half experienced the first rape before age 18 (30% between 11-17 years old and 12% at or before the age of 10).

When you crunch the numbers even more, you discover that approximately 400,666 girls under ten have experienced "completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, or alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration."

This translates into six girls in each and every elementary school in the United States.
In my town, with four elementary schools, that's 24 girls.

Exactly who are these girls in your community? Who is responsible for these crimes? And who is serving these victims?

Here's how I calculated these numbers. According to the CDC, "18.3% of women in the United States have been raped at some time in their lives, including completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, or alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration." Of this 18.3%, 12% were raped "at or before the age of 10." Doing the math, 12% of 18.3% is 2%. According to the United States Census, there are approximately 152,925,887 women in the United States. Of these, 6.7% are under 5 years old and 6.4% are 5 to 9 years old. Add 6.7% and 6.4% and you get 13.1% of the population are girls ages 0 to 9 - the target population. This translates to 20,033,291 girls ages 0 to 9 in the United States. If 2% of those 20 million girls experience rape, that's 400,666 girls.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there are 67,148 elementary school in the United States. 400,666 girls divided by 67,148 elementary school equals 6 girls per elementary school who experience "forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, or alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration" before their tenth birthday.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Supreme Court Grants Justice Dep't Request to Reject Child Victims

Last week the United States Supreme Court ignored the extraordinary pleas of three nationally recognized child advocacy groups and granted the Justice Department's request to dismiss a child sex abuse victim's appeal for criminal restitution.

The case now returns to the district court which must follow the DC Circuit's holding that the victim in this case, Amy, does not have a clear and indisputable right to full restitution, but must instead trace precisely how her losses were “proximately” caused by each of the thousands of child molesters and pedophiles who collect and trade her child sex abuse images.

The Supreme Court's rejection means that a child pornography victim's right to criminal restitution in the federal courts will continue to be limited and denied in sixteen states and territories, including California, New York and Washington, DC. Only in the Fifth Circuit—encompassing the states of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi—is restitution still mandatory.

The Court's denial—and the Justice Department's stubborn refusal to abandon a legal standard which the influential Ninth Circuit concluded "present[s] serious obstacles for victims seeking restitution in these sorts of cases"—leaves child sex abuse victims like Amy with scant chance for justice in the federal courts.

Pedophiles, child molesters and the Justice Department are likely to seize on the high court's rejection as a sign that criminal restitution for child sex abuse victims is all but impossible in the federal courts except under the most egregious circumstances.

We continue to urge everyone to Take Action and ask the Justice Department to stop siding with convicted child molesters and pedophiles instead of child sex abuse victims!

Just go to for full details on how you can help.

For the complete background on this issue, visit

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Take Action! Here's how you can help child sex abuse victims

Why is the Justice Department siding with convicted child molesters and pedophiles instead of child sex abuse victims? Many have called and e-mailed asking "what can I do to help convince the Justice Department to change its unacceptable position on this issue?"

Now you can easily support child sex abuse victims by submitting a request to Congress and the President.

Just click on the Take Action button which will launch our petition at We've filled in all the details and it only takes a minute.

Just add your name and zip code and a pre-formatted letter will be created which asks your Representative, Senators and the President to immediately contact the Justice Department and ask why the Criminal Division is opposing the victims in In re: Amy Unknown in the Fifth Circuit and United States v. Shawn Crawford in the Sixth Circuit.

The letter also asks Congress to hold hearings to find out why the Justice Department is siding with convicted child molesters and pedophiles instead of child sex abuse victims.

You will be given a chance to make any changes or edits to the letter before sending. For maximum impact can hand-deliver a printed copy of your letter to Capitol Hill and the White House.

Amy and Vicky need your help. Hundreds of victims like them are effectively shut-out of the federal courts by the Justice Department's wrongheaded policy.

Almost 20 years ago, then-Senator Joe Biden promised victims that they would receive restitution from criminals convicted of child sex crimes. Ironically, Vice President Biden's own Justice Department is failing to live up to his vision in the Violence Against Women's Act.

You can help awaken the politicians in Washington with just a few clicks. Amy and Vicky thank everyone for their continued support. You can make a difference in their fight for justice!