Sunday, September 21, 2008

Statement Regarding Masha Allen Litigation

Last week we inadvertently discovered that a Philadelphia law firm recently filed this lawsuit on behalf of Masha Allen. We hope that Masha may now finally begin the process of obtaining some measure of civil justice from the individuals and entities which were complicit in her ongoing sexual abuse and exploitation.

We are, however, deeply disturbed that Masha still does not have the independent guardian she so desperately needs. Two years ago today we learned that Masha was being abused and neglected by her current caretaker. She eventually became involved with the child welfare and public health systems in both Georgia and Pennsylvania. After consulting with independent ethics counsel and the State Bar of Georgia, we were instructed to retain Masha's litigation files and undertake efforts to have a guardian appointed for Masha due to an un-waivable conflict of interest between her and her caretaker.

During the past two years, we have been actively attempting, in both Georgia and Pennsylvania, to accomplish the Georgia Bar's directive to protect Masha's civil legal rights. Now, in what appears to be an end-run around the Georgia Bar's clear mandate, Masha's caretaker has initiated and is directing the current litigation.

A traumatized, abused and exploited child like Masha needs a competent and independent decision maker to protect her legal rights and guard her pecuniary well being. Since our firm is forever conflicted from representing Masha, our only desire is that she will someday obtain the emotional and financial stability she deserves. Unfortunately the current litigation does nothing to achieve the Georgia Bar's longstanding edict aimed at safeguarding Masha's future.